Monday, September 21, 2009

Procrastination Is Bad, Must Quit

I'd make a lousy reporter. By the time I got to the arena the presser was already wrapped. I spent most of my time wandering around the arena. Could I afford a season package in seats that'll fit my happy fat ass (I can't), does my new toy work to specifications (it does), are the new vid screens the schiznit (they are), what's up with the new alternate unis (the P.Diddy typeface, number on upper left, color is about a shade lighter than powder blue, I approve). Got tickets to the preseason game with Cleveland -- tee-riff, watch LeBron and Shaquille sit for forty-eight minutes -- so I could take my mom out to a game.

It happened though. As I was walking out of the upper bowl, satisfied with the successful field test of my new digital camera, a shiver went up through me. Not quite yet . . . but the time is coming round.


Let The Basketball Year Begin, Already!

Good morning, hepcats and cool kitties! Sorry I haven't been around much the last few weeks; I've been preoccupied.

Today, I go to meet The Matrix. Well, not really, but close. The Organization's holding an introductory press conference for our three FNGs -- Beaubois, Marion, Thomas -- that's open to the public. Cross-purposed to selling more season passes, naturally, with the AAC open until seven tonight.

With my spandy-new digital camera, I'm there.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Scary Call

The news just came down a couple hours ago -- Dirk's ex is not expecting. A test conducted on August 31 by the State of Missouri -- she's been extradited and sentenced there for probation violation -- came up "HCG negative." HCG is the hormone produced by the placenta and shows up in a pregnant woman's urine.

The specific circumstances surrounding what's been going on, we of the uninvolved and shamefully curious are never going to know for sure. Miscarriage? Possible. A false positive tripped by long-term birth control? Less likely, but possible.

The most likely scenario, of course, is Ms. Taylor lied through her teeth about the whole damn thing. I think there's going to be some held breaths until January or so, but that's pretty much where the scenario ends, if you're a Mavs fan.

PS: Retraction and apology from the Huffington Post? I wouldn't bet on it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Not Even The Suitcase From Fargo

Few days ago, a deal was signed that made it official -- Ricky Rubio won't be in the league this year. The contract with his Euroleague team had a buyout clause the Timberwolves were not able to meet.

Who, pray tell, is the idiot that told him to declare for the draft with the possibility that he wouldn't be able to come? I don't get it, frankly. Rubio was -- is -- a hot prospect, but what would've been the harm in him playing another year or two in the Euroleagues? Now everybody involved looks like a pack of morons and there's always the possibility he'll get hurt and never play a second in the NBA.

Minnesota retains his player rights and the contract with FC Barcelona has an escape clause that becomes active in 2011. I wonder . . . is there a way the Mavs could get in on that?

Pie in the sky, but it's a thought to dream on.