Monday, September 22, 2008

Can We Make Scrimmage Shirts Vs. Skins? Please?


The Morning News, absent anything new to print about the Mavs (I'm avoiding Mr. Cuban's blog, because I don't have anything to add to the arguement and reading it will just annoy me), is rehashing the point we all grasped way back in May; everything depends on how the players mesh under the new coach. Nothing we haven't read or intuited.

At the end, under Mavericks Key Dates:

Sept. 30 -- Training camp opens with two practises.

Oct. 4 -- Two-a-days end.

Oct. 7 -- Preseason opens vs. Washington at AAC (7:30 p.m.)

Oct. 17 -- Fan Jam at AAC (5:30 p.m.)

Oct. 27 -- Rosters set for opening day (5 p.m.)

Oct. 30 -- Regular season begins vs. Houston at AAC (7 p.m.)

Italics mine. Fan Jam!

Ticket for the first preseason game is bought and paid for and will be waiting for me at the AAC. I can't wait.

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